A Kerb Twixt Mesomorphs...

(Amended and expanded from a same-day socmed post.)

Hey ids n' superegos - I'm still collecting all the postcard and mailing list inquiries left for me at FB, so I thought I'd crawl out of the basement for a moment to thank all the weirdo hackers who sent me automated friend requests last year on that damnably storied platform. I received about 80 of them in total, and I recently signed each and every droid to a long-term Karl Schmidt Verlag contract. First up, Kaylee Ashleigh Colette. She's helming the first of 13 volumes of Facebook Spam-Bots Remix the Work of Zbigniew Karkowski, and I couldn't be more pleased with her effort. Cybermeat is groovy.

(The alb is available now at KSV Bandcamp.)




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