¡Feliz Año Nuevo! / Tom Smith: Short Cut to Hell (Day 001)

Happy New Year! I'm writing from the island of Lanzarote, and we've just watched non-royals ride camels into the mouth of a curved village street, followed by a belching diesel truck bearing a hillock of gifts. Pandemonium erupted, then excused itself. Frau Franke and I are enjoying drinks on the roof of our rental cottage. All is well here, and I hope all is well with you.

Throughout the year I'll be working on a new, year-long project. The title of the proposed work is in the header of this post. I'll be uploading monthly updates, test mixes of the progress I make. Daily additions tend to get lost in their own clutter.

Rather than break everything down for you, I'll post a clue with each related post. It shouldn't be too hard to sort it all out.

Best to all,




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