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TLASILA - 20 Post Op Wrongss

(Adapted from the bootleg compilation 20 Worst Pop Songs, posted yesterday to the Back on the Road shareblog. Needless to say, I rejected the album's premise. If one digs deep enough, Hell, even Ys or Seven Swans will eventually yield riches...)


20 Post Op Wrongss

(Mixed, edited and produced by TS for TLASILA on October 14, 2007 at HQ.)

01 Bans Air - Bobby Soys Soy
02 Qua A - Liar Gibber
03 Scabby Tots Reek - Wet Dong
04 Bod Job - Ich Wawa
05 Foam Ran - Bi Goth Chai Segue
06 Moo D - Lionize Wipe Size
07 Oak Ma - Ada Alb Mal (Overlain Origins)
08 Roiled Sol - Arena Cam
09 Televise Iffy Fix - Lube Mi
10 Carnal Cum Type & Reviewed Snot - Ordain by Envoy
11 Pretends Rim - Job Cum Coo
12 Caplet Husk - Henpeck Thug Sot
13 Aloe Bug - Ovum Membrane Fib
14 Ex Nerd - Jed Coyote Tone
15 Tamale Of - Overloading Only Filth
16 Nival Lili Mil - Rising As Immunology
17 Beneath Ham - Solo Tweed Thought
18 Rental Kingdom - Your Yummy Aureoles Theory
19 Charm Mem - Chainstitch Out
20 Fat Ox Shaman - Much Toe


(Twenty tracks, 108 MB, ripped @ 320.)

Part 1 / Part 2


I Spit on Your Tautology,



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